Introduction to Programmed Constructs
Construct typesConstructs may be one of three types, depending on how they are controlled. They may be Controlled Constructs, Programmed Constructs, or Awakened Constructs.
Controlled Constructs are directly commanded by a master. They respond well to arbitrary commands, but require direct supervision at all times and are helpless without someone 'driving' them. Shield guardians are this sort of construct. The mythos is ‘mecha’. Vehicles are an outside example.
Programmed Constructs are clumsy to control directly. Instead, they are given an explicit set of instructions which they autonomously follow to the best of their abilities at all times. They are incapable of independant thought and prone to exploitation. Household servants and lone stone golem guardians of an ancient tomb are usually this sort of construct. The mythos is ‘robot’. Asimov's Three Law robots are an outside example.
Awakened Constructs have free will, possibly constrained by prior programming. Awakened constructs are required to follow any immutable programming they possess, but where their programming is silent, they are free. Inevitables are this sort of construct. The mythos is ‘android.’ RoboCop, C3P0, and Commander Data are outside examples.
A programmed construct has a set of four to eight command "slots", each of which is filled with a command. These commands are generally simple, represented as a sentence in plain English.
A programmed construct will fulfill each higher priority command slot as a top priority, to the exclusion of lower slots. However, if it is possible to accomplish both a high and a low priority goal, it will do both.
Here is an example of a guardian construct’s programming:
Remain within thirty feet of the cave mouth.
Remain at ease while peaceful Yuan-Ti are present
Destroy all living creatures.
Sound the alarm if attacking or being attacked.
Without knowledge of its programming this construct is quite dangerous--it remains inert until approached closer than 30 feet, at which point it becomes aggressive and alerts the entire area to intruders.
However, with knowledge of its programming, exploits become clear. It is possible to destroy it with ranged attacks, though its damage reduction still applies, and it will sound the alarm. Alternatively, it is possible to slip past it unhindered by persuading it a peaceful Yuan-Ti is present.
Gory Detail on Command Slots
While generally represented in plain English, a command slot really holds a complex arcane formula dictating every detail of an action. It cannot hold an arbitrary command, and is generally limited in scope and interpretation. Constructs have no intelligence and are not capable of interpreting complex commands which require judgment, ingenuity, or even actions it has not been told how to do. All behavior must be explicitly specified in advance.
A command slot can hold behavior as broad in scope as one or at most two related "tricks" taught to animals together with trigger conditions and constraints. However, specialized constructs have underlying knowledge which allows them to perform tasks much more complex than any animal can.
At creation, a construct may be imbued with innate specialized knowledge appropriate to its tasks. For example, a construct may be given a routine to "Clean the kitchen", complete with collecting and cleaning dishes, putting away and organizing ingredients and utensils, and mopping the floor. In a sophisticated construct, this routine may work on any kitchen--but generally it only works in a given one. At any rate, despite the behavior being complex, it is the same routine every time, carried out mechanically.
Innate knowledge is set at creation and cannot be changed or improved thereafter. Most constructs are given an innate understanding of how to effectively function in combat (though the exact strategy will vary from construct to construct). Some may be given specific battle strategies, an ability to write in certain languages, or knowledge of the complex controls of specific machinery (which it may then operate flawlessly). These routines are usually quite general. It is uncommon to encounter a construct with a built-in interpretation of something usually requiring judgment--such as "guard the cave"--unless the creator is sure she wanted every cave guarded according to exactly the same strategy.
Example Commands:
Destroy all living creatures within 200 feet of the door. (Valid - Construct has an innate definition of living creature and combat, and is given a visual/tactile definition of "the door" when the command is set.)
When commanded by any guest, play whatever music is set up on the harpsichord. (Valid - assuming the construct has an innate understanding of musical notation. Of course, the musical interpretation is rather mechanical.)
Do whatever John tells you to. (Not valid - the construct has no way to interpret arbitrary commands.)
Destroy any target John gives you, and desist on his command. (Valid)
Constructs, like most beings, are limited in perception to what they can see, hear, and feel. Trigger conditions are frequently vulnerable to exploitation through disguises and illusions. There is one exception to this: A construct has a permanent and supernatural connection to its master(s), and always knows who and where its masters are. A construct told to "find its master" cannot follow an intelligent route, but will always head in the right direction.
Due to the clumsiness of direct control, most constructs used in warfare or as personal servants are either awakened or commanded. Programmed constructs are most commonly encountered as guardians in remote places, or servants given simple tasks.
Command slots may have the following characteristics:
They may be suppressed. These slots are treated as empty, the construct ignoring any commands they contain. Suppressed command slots show as "empty" to scanning spells.
They may be immutable (set at creation). The contents of mutable command slots can be changed, but the contents of immutable Command Slots cannot be changed by any means.
They may be hidden (set at creation). Hidden command slots, though still active, show as "empty" to scanning spells.
They may be masked. Masked command slots scan as one thing, but operate as another.
A command slot may reference other command slots in a general way. For example, a valid command is "When asked, open the door for anyone protected by command #1". However, it is not possible to store a full copy of one command slot in another, and under no condition may a Command Slot change the contents of another command slot, or add to or change the construct's master(s). Constructs are capable of reading their own Hidden Command Slots, and are not aware of or fooled by masks. However, a construct will always treat Suppressed Command Slots as empty, even when referenced by other commands.
Gory Detail On Masked Command Slots
A masked slot has two elements: the Clear Command and the Mask.
The Clear Command represents the true contents of the Command Slot, and is a command in the usual way. It is subject to all the same constraints as other Command Slot contents, and is obeyed by the construct just like any other command.
The Mask is shown when spells like Scan Construct are used to read command slots. These spells show the Mask in the Command Slot, instead of the Clear Command, and give no indication that the Clear Command exists. The Mask has no other affect on the construct, and does not change its behavior in any way.
Due to space limitations, it is not possible to store two full commands in the same slot. Therefore, Masks are limited to a simple form. Masks may only take the form of passive constraints, and cannot be full-fledged active commands. A Mask always appears to limit a construct's actions, and never takes a form which would authorize any new activity. The plain language representation has the following form: "Do not [positive action or actions].”
Any construct can store at most one masked Command Slot at a time.
Some examples of masks and non-masks:
A guardian stone golem:
Do not move farther than 30 feet from the cave mouth. (Valid mask)
Do not engage in combat or movement while peaceful Yuan-Ti are present. (Valid mask)
Destroy all living creatures. (Not a mask)
Sound the alarm if attacking or being attacked. (Not a mask)
An enchanted broom:
Put yourself away and come back out when commanded. (Not a mask)
Sweep any dirty surfaces you find. (Not a mask)
Do not leave the castle.(Valid mask)
Roam freely. (Not a mask)
A mask must always forbid a positive action, and never enables it. A command such as "Do not remain silent" is not a valid mask, as it requires positive action. When Scan Construct translates arcane formulas to plain language, potential Masks are always translated beginning with the words "Do not".
Scan Construct is a translation from a complex arcane formula, so equivalent command wordings are considered the same command. Therefore, if a command can be re-worded as a Mask, this may be done without changing the apparent contents of the slot. (Metagame note: All potential constraints should begin with the words "Do not," so there is no confusion. But in the case of an oversight, a command such as "Remain silent" may be covered with a Mask of "Do not make sound," and the scanning spells will not detect a difference.)
Any effect which changes the contents of a Command Slot reveals the existence of the Mask. At the caster's option, the Mask may be discarded or retained. The Clear Command is not revealed and is erased in the process of replacing the command.
Command Slot Property Summary
Command Slot Property | Origin | Removed By | Scan Shows | Other Effects |
Immutable | Set at creation. | N/A | (Im) Command. | Slot contents cannot be changed by any means. |
Hidden | Set at creation. | N/A | Empty. | Slot contents cannot be revealed by any means (but may be deduced). |
Masked | Mask Command | Changing Command Slot contents | Mask. | None. |
Suppressed | Suppress Command | Dispel Magic effects. | Empty. | Construct treats Command Slot as empty. |
Scan Details For Combined Effects
| Immutable | Hidden | Suppressed | Masked |
Immutable | (Im) Command. | (Im) Empty. | (Im) Empty. | (Im) Mask. |
Hidden | (Im) Empty. | Empty. | Empty. | N/A |
Suppressed | (Im) Empty. | Empty. | Empty. | Empty. |
Masked | (Im) Mask. | N/A | Empty. | Mask. |
Awakened constructs begin life as programmed constructs. When awakened, they lose their command slots, but absorb any immutable commands into their consciousness. These commands do not function as command slots in the usual sense, and cannot be targeted by command-slot altering spells. An awakened construct cannot take further command slot commands, even from her master, but may be bound by immutable programming to obey a specific master or law.
An awakened construct always follows her immutable programming and is not consciously capable of doing otherwise (though she may accidentally do so while deceived or under the effects of confusion). She is consciously aware of her programming and may either agree with it or hate it, but in any case, she has no choice but to follow it.
A programmed construct prepared specifically for awakening which is never activated in its programmed form may include programming more sophisticated than is usually permissible. Commands requiring judgement and interpretation, such as "Uphold the law," may be immutably transcribed on the consciousness of an awakened construct.
Hidden commands are possible, although the construct will usually be able to deduce what they are when they come into effect.
New Spells
Hide From Constructs Abjuration Level: Sor/Wiz 1 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Touch Targets: One touched creature / level Duration: 10 min. / level Save: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes Constructs cannot see, hear, or smell the warded creatures. Even extraordinary or supernatural sensory capabilities, such as blindsense, blindsight, scent, and tremorsense, cannot detect or locate the warded creatures. Constructs simply act as though the warded creatures are not there. An intelligent (awakened) construct gets a single Will saving throw. If it fails, the subject can’t see any of the warded creatures. However, if it has reason to believe unseen opponents are present, it can attempt to find or strike them. If a warded creature touches a construct or attacks any creature, even with a spell, the spell ends for all recipients. Material component: A bit of cloth woven of thin copper fibers. |
Probe Command Divination Level: Sor/Wiz 2 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One programmed construct Duration: Instantaneous Save: No; Special (see text) Spell Resistance: No. Upon casting this spell, you immediately learn the number of Command Slots the targeted construct has. You may then choose one slot from the set. Probe Command reveals the contents of that slot, provided the slot is not Suppressed, Hidden or Masked. If the Command Slot is immutable, this is revealed. Any Suppressed or Hidden slots which are probed are shown as empty. Any Masked slot which is probed reveals the Mask, but not the Clear Command or the fact that the Command Slot is masked. If the probed Command Slot holds a potential mask (a command beginning with "Do not"), you may attempt a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against the Command Slot DC (10 + Construct Hit Dice + command slot priority above lowest slot). If you succeed on this check, Probe Command reveals whether the slot is Masked, and if so, reveals the the Clear Command. The subject construct is not especially aware of the casting of this spell or that it is the target. It will take no actions against you (even if it sees you casting) unless it would do so otherwise—for example, if it had been commanded to attack anyone casting a spell. This spell does not work on awakened constructs, constructs designed to operate under direct supervision and command, or other constructs which are not programmed. Material Component: A pair of thin copper rods. |
Scan Construct Divination Level: Sor/Wiz 3 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One construct with commands. Duration: Instantaneous Save: None Spell Resistance: No You know the commands a single construct is currently set to obey. The exact contents of its command slots are revealed to you, so that you are capable of fully specifying the construct's behavior. This spell reveals only active, visible, and unmasked command slots; suppressed or hidden command slots are shown as empty, while masked command slots show the mask. The subject construct is not especially aware of the casting of this spell or that it is the target. It will take no actions against you (even if it sees you casting) unless it would do so otherwise—for example, if it had been commanded to attack anyone casting a spell. This spell does not work on awakened constructs, constructs designed to operate under direct supervision and command, or other constructs which are not programmed. Constructs designed at creation with immutable commands may still be scanned, and this spell will reveal that those commands are immutable. If the casting time is extended to ten minutes, this spell will also reveal the full details of any innate behavior and knowledge the construct posesses. |
Suppress Command Transmutation Level: Sor/Wiz 3 Components: S, F Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Targets: One construct command slot. Duration: Permanent Save: No; Special (see text). Spell Resistance: No You suppress a single command slot, causing the construct to behave as though that command slot was empty. Any command currently in the slot or entered after this spell is cast is ignored. To cast this spell successfully, you must succeed on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against the command slot (10 + Construct Hit Dice + command slot priority above lowest slot). For example, the DC for a 12 HD stone golem with 6 command slots would be 10 + 12 + 4 = 26 for its second highest priority command slot. The construct is not especially aware of the casting of this spell or that it is the target. It will take no actions against you (even if it sees you casting) unless it would do so otherwise—for example, if it had been commanded to attack anyone casting a spell. This spell does not work on awakened constructs, constructs designed to operate under direct supervision and command, or other constructs which are not programmed. Constructs designed at creation with immutable commands may still be targeted. Immutable commands cannot be changed, but the slot can be suppressed. The effect of this spell is permanent. A construct’s creator may not simply re-fill the suppressed command slot, as any entered command will be ignored. However, the effect can be removed as a spell effects generally can by Dispel Magic, Break Enchantment, Greater Dispel Magic, Antimagic Field, and similar effects. A construct with no active commands takes no actions, and is considered helpless. Arcane Focus: A tiny silver net worth 25 gp. |
Replace Command Transmutation Level: Sor/Wiz 4 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Targets: One mutable construct command slot. Duration: Instantaneous Save: No; Special (see text). Spell Resistance: No You replace the contents of a single command slot, erasing any previous command. To cast this spell successfully, you must succeed on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against the command slot (DC 10 + Construct Hit Dice + command slot priority above lowest slot). For example, the DC for a 12 HD stone golem with 6 command slots would be 10 + 12 + 4 = 26 for its second highest priority command slot. The construct is not especially aware of the casting of this spell or that it is the target. It will take no actions against you (even if it sees you casting) unless it would do so otherwise—for example, if it had been commanded to attack anyone casting a spell. This spell does not work on awakened constructs, constructs designed to operate under direct supervision and command, or other constructs which are not programmed. Constructs designed at creation with immutable commands may not be targeted unless they have mutable command slots as well. This spell has an instantaneous effect and cannot be reversed or dispelled in any way. However, this spell does not hinder a construct’s creator from changing the command as a move action (as she can usually do). A second casting of this spell can also change the command. Material Component: A rare pearl worth 250 gp. |
Mask Command Abjuration Level: Sor/Wiz 5 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Targets: One construct Command Slot Duration: Instantaneous Save: No; Special (see text) Spell Resistance: No. You create a Mask over the targeted Command Slot. The superficial appearance of the Command Slot is changed so that Scan Construct shows the Mask in the slot instead of the Clear Command. This spell does not affect the behavior of the target construct in any way. It continues to obey the original contents of the Command Slot, which persist as the Clear Command. A Mask is a permanent, non-magical change to a Command Slot. It cannot be dispelled or disjoined, nor is it suppressed in an Anti-magic field. A Mask can be removed by any effect which changes the contents of the Command Slot. To cast this spell successfully, you must succeed on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against the command slot (10 + Construct Hit Dice + command slot priority above lowest slot). For example, the DC for a 12 HD stone golem with 6 command slots would be 10 + 12 + 4 = 26 for its second highest priority command slot. If this check fails, the spell is not cast, and you gain no information about what would have happened had the check succeeded. If the targeted slot already has a Mask, the new Mask replaces the old one. You do not learn that the Command Slot was masked, nor do you learn what the Clear Command is. If the target already has a Mask on a different Command Slot, this spell fails and you learn that the construct already has a Mask in a different Command Slot. If a hidden Command Slot is targeted, the spell fails and you learn that the targeted Command Slot is Hidden. A Mask must always take the form of a constraint, and cannot command any new action or activity. Material Component: A tiny hollow figurine of a mare. |
Command Construct Transmutation Level: Sor/Wiz 6 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Targets: One construct with mutable command slots. Duration: 1 min. / level Save: No; Special (see text). Spell Resistance: No The subject of this spell regards you as one of its masters. For the duration of this spell, as a move action, you may change the contents of any mutable command slot provided you are within 60 feet and the construct can hear you. The construct is given a supernatural ability to recognize you for the duration of the spell and knows where you are. Constructs speak a variety of specific arcane languages; the translation of your own language to this one is automatically carried out as part of this spell. Anyone who can hear you may make a DC 25 Knowledge (Arcane) check to understand what you are telling the construct to do. (Magical effects which permit understanding languages do not work on this.) To cast this spell successfully, you must succeed on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against 10 + Construct Hit Dice + Number of Command Slots. For example, the DC for a 12 HD stone golem with 6 command slots would be 10 + 12 + 6 = 28. The construct is not especially aware of the casting of this spell or that it is the target. It will take no actions against you (even if it sees you casting) unless it would do so otherwise—for example, if it had been commanded to attack anyone casting a spell. This spell does not work on awakened constructs, constructs designed to operate under direct supervision and command, or other constructs which are not programmed. Constructs designed at creation with immutable commands may be targeted, but you cannot change immutable commands. All command changes are an instantaneous effect and cannot be reversed or dispelled in any way. However, this spell does not hinder a construct’s original creator from changing the command as a move action (as she can usually do), even while the spell is in effect. Material Component: A rare pearl worth 100 gp per construct HD. |
Master Construct Transmutation Level: Sor/Wiz 9 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Targets: One programmed construct Duration: Instantaneous Save: No; Special (see text). Spell Resistance: No The subject of this spell permanently regards you as one of its masters. As a move action, you may change the contents of any mutable command slot, provided you are within 60 feet and the construct can hear you. The construct gains a pernament supernatural connection to you and always recognizes you and and knows where you are. Constructs speak a variety of specific arcane languages; the translation of your own language to this one is automatically carried out as part of this spell. Anyone who can hear you may make a DC 25 Knowledge (Arcane) check to understand what you are telling the construct to do. (Magical effects which permit understanding languages do not work on this.) To cast this spell successfully, you must succeed on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against 10 + Construct Hit Dice + Number of Command Slots. For example, the DC for a 12 HD stone golem with 6 command slots would be 10 + 12 + 6 = 28. The effects of this spell in no way hinder the connection between a construct and its existing masters. This effect is permanent. Construct masters cannot be removed by any means short of Wish or Miracle. Material Component: A magically luminescent green diamond worth 1,000 gp per construct HD. |