Stormfriend: A master of storms in unaffected by any storm she controls. She can stand firm in the center of her tornado, direct her hailstones to fall around her, and see right through the whiteout of her own blizzard.
Summon Storms: Swift action. A Master of Storms summons and controls a small storm (5' radius) appropriate for the climate and region. Each round she continues to summon, the storm grows by 5' in radius, with no upper limit on size (after 8 hours, continuing requires a Con check DC 15 + 1 per previous check each hour). Freely control the initial intensity of heat, cold, wind, rain, and cloud cover. As long as she controls it, the storm remains always centered on the summoner, matching her movements at a maximum speed of 100' per round. If she ceases summoning for longer than a minute, or moves (or is moved) farther from the storm's center than it can follow, control is lost. All supernatural elements dissipate, and the storm becomes natural (but will likely continue). This power may also be used to take control of an existing storm; the area under control grows by 5' in radius per round spent summoning.
Imbue: Standard action. A master of storms may imbue a controlled storm with elemental power or natural materials. The effect covers the entire storm, and remains in place for the life of the storm or until dismissed. Any storm may only be imbued with only one condition at a time.
Healing [Shower] – All living creatures in the area of the storm heal 1d6 hit points per round.
Nourishment [Shower] – One hour of rain nourishes a living creature enough to avoid hunger or thirst for three days.
Acid [Any Rain] – Storm deals acid damage once per round. Shower: 1d6; Downpour: 2d6; Monsoon: 3d6.
Quiet [Flurry] – Sonic effects minimized. Listen checks at -2.
Peace [Any Snow] – All creatures receive a +2 bonus to spell resistance and saves against spells or magical effects.
Shout [Any Thunder] – Rolling thunder deals 2d6 sonic damage every 1d4 rounds.
Uplifting Spirits [Light Breeze] – Ignore effects of fatigue.
Intensify: Standard action. Choose an area inside the storm. Choose a radius and a number of d6 damage to deal (up to twice your caster level). This area persists for 2d4 + 3 rounds, with a reflex save 13 + charisma bonus for half damage. Reduce the radius of the controlled storm by 15' for each 5' radius of intensified area and for each die of damage (The intensified area must still fit within the storm). This area moves with the storm, in relation to the summoner. A storm may have only one intensified area at a time.
Rainstorm – Acid; Monsoon – Bludgeoning; Windstorm – Bludgeoning/Slashing/Piercing; Extreme Heat/Cold: Fire/Frost; Lightning: Sonic or electrical; Hail: Bludgeoning; Snow: Cold; Firestorm: Fire
Smite: Standard Action. The full energy of the storm may be focused on a single target, dealing incredible damage. Summon forth a single giant gout of flame, a bolt of lightning, a block of hail, or a gust of stinging sand upon a single target within the storm. Choose a number of dice (up to a maximum of five times your caster level), and deal that to a single target. Reflex save 17 + charisma bonus for half damage. Subsequently reduce the radius of the storm by 5 feet for each d6. The storm requires 2d4 rounds to react before this action can be used again.
Storm Types and Typical Effects
The Master of Storms may change the characteristics of the storm she controls at will, so long as the storm meets the prerequisite.
Category | type | prerequisite | effect |
Wind | Light Breeze | - | No battlefield effects. |
- | Gale | - | Ranged attacks suffer -4. Medium creatures checked (Fort DC 15). |
- | Hurricane | [Storm 50'] | Ranged attacks impossible. Snow/dust/sand/flying grass grants total concealment beyond 5'. 1d3 damage per round from particles. (Cumulative with other storm-related damage). Medium Creatures Blown Away (Fort DC 20); Huge checked. Increase temperature severity by one. |
- | Tornado | [Storm 50'] | Ranged attacks impossible. Snow/dust/sand/flying grass grants total concealment beyond 5'. 1d6 damage per round from particles. (Cumulative with other storm-related damage). Large creatures blown away (Fort DC 30); Gargantuan checked Increase temperature severity by two. |
Temperature | Mild | - | No battlefield effects. |
- | Moderate (Heat/Cold) | - | Fort save (DC 15) once per hour or take 1d4 nonlethal damage. |
- | Severe (Heat/Cold) | - | Fort save (DC 15) once per ten minutes or take 1d4 nonlethal damage. |
- | Extreme (Heat/Cold) | - | Take 1d6 points of damage per 10 minutes. |
Cloud Cover | Overcast | - | No battlefield effects. |
- | Stormclouds | [Storm 50'] | - |
- | Superstorm | [Storm 150'] | - |
Rain | Shower | [Overcast] | Light rains. No battlefield effects. |
- | Downpour | [Overcast] | Exposed dirt becomes muddy & difficult terrain. Ranged attacks suffer -2. |
- | Monsoon | [Stormclouds] | Standing water 2' deep (difficult terrain). Ranged attacks suffer -4. |
Lightning | Thundershower | [Overcast] | Lightning flashes in the clouds overhead. |
- | Thunderstorm | [Stormclouds] | Once per minute, any given square has a 2% chance of a 3d6 lightning strike. |
- | Superstorm | [Superstorm] | Once per minute, any given square has a 5% chance of an 8d10 lightning strike. |
Hail | Wheat-sized | [Stormclouds] | Deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage. |
- | Fist-sized | [Stormclouds] | Deals 2d6 bludgeoning damage. |
- | Melon-sized | [Superstorm] | Deals 4d6 bludgeoning damage. |
Snow | Flurry | [Overcast, Cold] | Terrain becomes slippery (per Grease; save DC is 13). |
- | Blizzard | [Stormclouds, Cold] | As above, plus whiteout conditions, plus 1' snow buildup per hour. |
Firestorm | Firestorm | [50', Extreme heat, Gale+ wind, inflammable terrain] | Terrain burns. Deal 10d6 fire damage per round to every square. |
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